Byahe ni Drew
We were watching Byahe ni Drew on YouTube today.
Drew Arellano's show is the best Pinoy travel show for me. Although I don't religiously follow the episodes (I only get to watch it when my roommate leave his PlayStation open), I have seen enough to say that Byahe ni Drew is the standard to follow when it comes to delivering travel stories. But of course, every show/traveler/blogger should have its own flavor but anyone can learn a thing or two from this epic travel show. Agree?
So after seeing some episodes continuously today ---we watched Drew's adventures in Hokkaido, and Sapporo (two separate episodes), Samar (one teammate is from there), Camarines Norte (yes, another colleague is from there, and Rizal (of course)--- we talked about how good a life Drew must be living and how much money he (or the show) could be making.
It's also hard work
Imagine traveling practically everywhere, tasting a lot of foods, meeting different people, trying different things. It's all leisure and pleasure on the surface, I know, but it involves a lot of hard work, too. The Byahe ni Drew is a small team (as far as I know) but that could mean we are seeing a product of hard labor, intense passion, and extreme dedication.Being a solo travel blogger isn't a walk in the park as well. They film on their own, edit on their own, and do a lot of job promoting themselves.
Be grateful and keep on dreaming
The pandemic has changed the way of life of virtually anyone. The travel and tourism industries are badly affected. Many plans for travel that had been long set were cancelled (or on hold).
Even Nas of Nas Daily himself has said that travel bloggers like him are also affected.
Every wanderlust is still hoping to travel soon, but I believe we should be practical and keep safety in mind first before our lust to go places.
I am used to a life of continuously working 11 or more months a year. I definitely have some travel 'dreams' (as opposed to 'plans') in my head right now, but I certainly can wait longer than that if needed.
I am just thankful I still have a job and certainly any travel goal is of least importance right now. But keep on dreaming to keep you motivated especially during these times.