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My long search for a gadget/electronic organizer that fits my specific needs is over after finding THE ONE in IKEA.

I, together with a bunch of colleagues, went to IKEA Dhahran last Eid to search for 'loots', especially for cheap finds that we could bring home.

I wasn't really hoping to find any electronics travel organizer as I was not sure if IKEA has a section with a wide range of gadgets and electronics, though I did get some very cheap AA batteries and a charger.

Well, I succeeded, and as a long term quest to find the right gadgets travel organizer for me, and with my satisfaction, I feel it's blog worthy.

So here it goes.

    Why I need an organizer?

    I currently keep three external hard disk drives (external HDDs) and a few other electronics.

    When I travel, if my HDDs are not in my camera bag, taking spaces supposedly for camera gear, they are in my regular backpack and all mixed up with other stuff in some random pockets. In short, a disorder. 

    I was specifically looking for an organizer where I could put my external hard disk drives and cables. These are my main concern when moving because I don't really put all my files in my laptop (and definitely not in the company issued one) so I take the external HDs with me.

    You maybe need one, too.

    You most likely own a gadget or two, and you probably have misplaced or completely lost some accessories. (Or maybe not, and it's just me who's OC-slash-forgetful with his stuff.) 

    This is especially useful for smaller items like —to be very specific— extra SD cards and SD/SIM card adapters, S-Pen stylus tip replacements, and smartphone card ejector, etc.. (Not that I use them often, but these items are easy to lose or forget that they actually exist at all!)

    Also, having an organizer will, in a way, discipline you to make a habit to put things back after using them and will make it easy for you to remember where to get them again.

    Check out the Förfina travel organizer.

    I got this travel organizer from the bags/travel accessories section in IKEA and while I kind of knew that it's meant for toiletries, I only checked the item in the website after buying it and it indeed shows that it's used for stuff like razors and after shaves (of course, not to mention other stuff not for men).

    It's not originally made for gadgets but who says you can't use it as you see fit?

    Förfina travel organizer

    The size of the bag is 23 x 7 x 17 cm (width, depth, height) and fits very well inside my everyday backpack or in the compartment of my camera backpack.

    Förfina travel organizer

    It isn't sturdy and that's alright for me because it means it can be compressed and become less bulky if I decide to ditch some of these items. Besides, I don't really like cases with hard covers, at least for this specific purpose.

    Inside the electronics accessories travel organizer.

    See, before having this organizer, I had some of these items hidden in random places. I had to search/declutter my camera bags and shelves just to find some of them. Not that I rarely use them, but it's been always that way —looking for things only when I need them. Now, I know where to find them.

    Förfina travel organizer

    Currently, these items are in the organizer:

    ✔️  3 external hard disk drives (and cables)
    ✔️  1 power bank
    ✔️  1 Bluetooth mouse
    ✔️  1 tablet (for e-books)
    ✔️  1 old smartphone (has battery and screen issues, used only for music)
    ✔️  1 card reader
    ✔️  1 pen and a pad of small post-it notes
    ✔️  a cleaning cloth
    ✔️  short micro USB cables for the power bank
    ✔️  a set of SIM and SD card adapters (they are placed in a small ziplocked plastic)
    ✔️  sets of S-pen and Wacom pen styli tips replacement (easy to misplace and lose)
    ✔️  a USB light
    ✔️  a micro-USB fan (bought it about 4 years ago, just for the heck of it, almost never used)

    I carry these items whenever I will be gone for at least three days. As mentioned, I used to put them anywhere I could fit them when packing for a trip. I would even sometimes place the hard disk drives together with my clothes in a luggage. This will be especially useful to keep all these items in my hand-carry during a flight. 

    There's no place here for chargers and long USB cables (except for one) since I keep them in another small bag together with laptop chargers and power extension. 

    I didn't consider the tablet before buying it but it fits perfectly!


    It's a bit of a struggle for me to organize my electronics accessories and I find this organizer extremely useful. It's the right size and perfect for travel. Makes it much easier to know where to get these things when I need them and where to put them after use.

    To sum up further, here's some takeaways:

    ✔️ Keep similar items together in one container
    ✔️ Find an organizer that will fit your everyday or travel bag (pretty sure all travel organizers do, but some are too large and it's like having 'another' bag)
    ✔️ Organizer with see-through mesh will make it easy to see what's in it or what's missing
    ✔️ A few compartments are good for easy searching
    ✔️ Develop a habit of putting things back after using them and eventually save time (and maybe even money)

    I'll end this by saying that I am not endorsing this specific product but I am encouraging you to start organizing and get tidy with your gadgets especially if they are an essential part of your daily life or workflow.

    As the saying goes, don't let [material] things use you by fussing and getting stressed due to untidiness. ("Where the fudge did I put it again!?").

    How do you keep and organize your electronics accessories?

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